UMass Boston

University Withdrawal

Students may withdraw from the university before the last day of classes of the semester for both fall and spring semesters, by submitting the University Official Withdrawal Form, although the effective date of withdrawal is when the form(s) is (are) completed, signed, and successfully submitted to the Office of the Registrar. Students withdrawing receive a “W” for each course in which they are enrolled.

Taking Planned or Unexpected Time Off, or Transferring from UMass Boston

Many students take planned time away from UMB or need to stop taking classes unexpectedly, while others choose to transfer. Planning your time off and telling the University what you intend to do can make your exit as well as your entry back into school easier, avoid unnecessary hurdles, and get you support from staff.

Undergraduate Students

Students who plan to withdraw from the university should review the withdrawal checklist to understand all of the ramifications of this decision. Please follow the instructions to make sure you withdraw successfully.

Undergraduate Student Withdrawal Checklist

Graduate Students

  • Discuss your decision. Withdrawing from the university has many ramifications. Please consult with your Graduate Program Director
  • Graduate Students are subject to a Statute of Limitations must maintain continuous registration, so should complete the Graduate Leave of Absence Request From in order to extend their timeline and be placed on Program Fee for the duration of their leave.

Students who plan to withdraw from the university should review the withdrawal checklist to understand all of the ramifications of this decision. Please follow the instructions to make sure you withdraw successfully.

Graduate Student Withdrawal Checklist

How to Return to the University

Undergraduate Students

  1. Students who leave the University in good standing may apply to resume their studies by completing the applicable Re-Enrollment form on the Registrar's forms page   You will be notified in writing of your readmission status.
  2. Students who have been suspended or dismissed from the University and wish to resume their education should follow the instructions on the re-enrollment form which include writing a letter of appeal addressed to the Standards and Credits Committee of their college.
  3. For deadlines and more specific information please check with your college.

We want your transition back to be as smooth as possible, so if you have any questions or concerns about what you are required to do, please feel free to reach out to

Graduate Students

1. Graduate degree candidates who did not request a formal Leave of Absence when they withdrew must complete the Re-Enrollment Application for Graduate Students and submit it to the appropriate Graduate Program Director one month before the beginning of the semester for which the application is being made.

a. Upon readmission, students who did not maintain continuous registration will be assessed back program fees to a maximum of six semesters

2. Eligibility for readmission is limited to students who were in good standing at the time of their withdrawal, and who are still in compliance with the statute of limitations policy governing the completion of the degree.

a. Students who are not within the time limits of the statute of limitations policy must additionally request an extension of their SOL.

3. Graduate degree candidates who did not maintain continuous registration and who wish to resume the pursuit of their degree may be subject to the policies and requirements in effect at the time of readmission.

a. Courses older than seven years cannot be used toward the degree, except with prior written permission of the graduate program director.

b. It is within the program director's discretion to disallow any previously taken courses from counting toward the readmitted student's degree program.

We want your transition back to be as smooth as possible, so if you have any questions or concerns about what you are required to do, please feel free to reach out to



Campus Center, 4th Floor
UMass Boston
100 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125

Phone:  617.287.6200
Fax: 617.287.6242