Susanna Gallor
Susy Gallor joined the faculty of the Psychology Department in September 2014. Professor Gallor has her PhD in Counseling Psychology from the University of Maryland College Park. She previously has worked as a staff psychologist in various university mental health centers, and she has served in various roles related to promoting mental health and wellbeing on college campuses.
Area of Expertise
Multicultural and Social Justice Psychology; Prevention Psychology; University Mental Health and Wellness
PhD, Counseling Psychology, University of Maryland College Park
BS, Psychology, University of Florida
Additional Information
At UMass Boston, Professor Gallor is a clinical faculty member of the Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program and supervises prevention-oriented, outreach and assessment services provided by UMB-UR-BEST (University Resources for Behavioral and Educational Skills Training). She also teaches Personality Theories (210), Principles of Psychotherapy (420), and Psychology and Social Justice (231).