Mayra Cadorin Vidal
I am an evolutionary ecologist interested in understanding how species interactions shape and are shaped by their community contexts and environmental factors. I study the ecology and evolution of species interactions using insect-plant systems and microbial systems.
Area of Expertise
Evolutionary Ecology of Species Interactions, Community Ecology, Trophic Interactions, Mutualisms, Herbivory, Coevolution, Global Change
PhD, University of Denver, 2018 (Biology, Ecology, and Evolution)
MSc, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2013 (Ecology)
BSc, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2010 (Biological Sciences)
Professional Publications & Contributions
Selected publications (for a complete and up-to-date list, click here)
Vidal, M.C., Agarwal, R. and Segraves, K.A., 2024. Coevolution and dependency influence resistance of mutualists to exploitation. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 12, p.1113963.
Bieber, B.V., Vyas, D.K., Koltz, A.M., Burkle, L., S.M. Murphy, and M.C. Vidal. 2022. Increasing prevalence of severe fires change the structure of arthropod communities: evidence from a meta-analysis. Functional Ecology DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.14197
Vidal, M.C., Anneberg, T. J.*, Curé, A. E.*, Althoff, D. M. and K. A. Segraves. 2021. The variable effects of global change on insect mutualisms. Current Opinion in Insect Science 47: 46-52.
Vidal, M.C. and K.A. Segraves. 2021. Coevolved mutualists experience fluctuating costs and benefits over time. Evolution 75: 219-230
Vidal, M.C., Wang, S.*, Rivers, D.M., Althoff, D.M. and K.A. Segraves. 2020. Species richness and redundancy promote persistence of exploited mutualisms in yeast. Science 370: 346-350.
Vidal, M.C., Quinn, T.W., Stireman, J.O., Tinghitella, R.M., and S.M. Murphy. 2019 Geographic distance is more important than host plant use on the divergence of a generalist insect herbivore. Molecular Ecology 28: 4317–4334.
Koltz, A.M., Burkle, L., Pressler, Y., Dell, J., Vidal, M.C, Richards, L., and S.M. Murphy. 2018. Global change and the increasing importance of fire in insect ecology and evolution. Current Opinion in Insect Science 29:110-116.
Vidal, M.C., and S.M. Murphy. 2018. Bottom-up versus top-down effects on terrestrial insect herbivores: a meta-analysis. Ecology Letters 21:138-150.
Additional Information
Research Interests
Interspecific interactions have a major influence on the ecology and evolution of organisms. My research is centered on understanding how species interactions change spatially and temporally and how these changes can shape community structure and the evolution of interacting species. I integrate population and community ecology, molecular ecology, genetics, evolution, entomology, and microbiology to accomplish my research goals.
Courses Taught
- Biol 637 – Climate Change Biology
- Biol 338 - Insect Life
- Biol 342 and 343 - Ecology (Lecture and Lab)
Professional Affiliations
- Society for the Study of Evolution
- Entomological Society of America
- Cambridge Entomological Club
- British Ecological Society
- Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science.