Elizabeth Fay
Area of Expertise
British Romantic Studies; Literary Theory and Romantic and post-Romantic British and Continental philosophy; Feminist Theory and Criticism; Women Writers; Material Culture Studies
PhD, State University of New York, Stony Brook
MA, Hunter College, CUNY
Professional Publications & Contributions
- “Romantic Psychosis,” editor, special issue of Romantic Circles Praxis, with “Introduction” authored by Fay, and four articles (Forthcoming Fall 2022).
- Romantic Egypt: Abyssal Ground of British Romanticism. Rowman & Littlefield/Lexington Books, 2021.
- Romantic Immanence: Interventions in Alterity, 1780 – 1840. SUNY Press, forthcoming.
- The Afterlives of Frankenstein: Popular and Artistic Reimaginings. Co-edited with Robert Lublin. Bloomsbury, forthcoming.
- Urban Identity and the Atlantic World. Co-edited with Leonard von Morzé. Palgrave Macmillan Publishers, 2013.
- Fashioning Faces: The Portraitive Mode in British Romanticism, University Press of New England, 2010.
- Romantic Medievalism: History and the Romantic Literary Ideal (Palgrave, 2002)
- The Siege of Valencia: A Parallel Text Edition (Broadview, 2002); ed. with Susan Wolfson
- A Feminist Introduction to Romanticism (Blackwell, 1998)
- Becoming Wordsworthian: A Performative Aesthetic (University of Massachusetts Press, 1995)
- Eminent Rhetoric (Bergin & Garvey, 1994); ed. with Michelle Tokarczyk
- Working Class Women in the Academy (University of Massachusetts Press, 1993)
Additional Information
“Coleridge’s Schelling’s Spinoza, or the Biographia Literaria and the Promise of the Wild,” TWC (forthcoming Winter 2023).
“Triangulating (Textual) History: What Early Black British Narratives Teach us about the Future to Come,” Romantic Circles Pedagogy (forthcoming Fall 2022).
“Frankenstein in Three Chords,” co-written with James McGirr, in The Afterlives of Frankenstein: Popular and Artistic Reimaginings., co-edited by Fay and Robert
Lublin (Bloomsbury, forthcoming).
“Pissing on Walls: Beau Brummell, or Romantic Psychosis Writ Large” for special issue of Romantic Circles Praxis (Forthcoming, Fall 2022).
“Rhymes of Wonder: Otherness without Distortion, ”special issue of Praxis, “The Futures of Shelley’s Triumph” (August 2019):
“Blake’s Wollstonecraft’s Girls,” The Wordsworth Circle 49.1 (Winter 2019): 32-40.
Two entries for the Cambridge Guide to the Eighteenth-Century Novel, 1600-1820 , edited by April London: “Henrietta Sykes, Margiana” and “Miss Howard, Married Life; or, Faults on All Sides. A Novel. In Two Volumes.” (1000 wds each). Cambridge University Press, 2018.
“Coleridge Finds Spinoza’s Dharma Nature,” The Wordsworth Circle 47.3 (Summer 2017): 128-138.
“Reformation in Mansfield Park: the Slave Trade and the Stillpoint of Knowledge” in Transatlanticism and Literary Forms, 1780‐1850. Annika Bauz and Kathryn Gray, eds. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2017. Pp. 19-34. (Lead chapter)
“Atlantic Thinking in Jane Austen’s Novels” in Cities and the Circulation of Culture in the Atlantic World: From the Early Modern to Modernism. Ed. by Leonard von Morzé, New York: Palgrave Macmillon, 2017. Pp. 155-172.
“Romantic Egypt, Monumentality and Shifting Sands” European Romantic Review, 2015 Vol. 26, No. 3, 1–13. (Lead article)
"British Women’s Travel Writing in the Romantic Period," Chapter 6 in The Cambridge Companion to Women's Writing in the Romantic Period (1780-1830). Ed. Devoney Looser. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. Pp. 73-87.
British Women’s Travel Writing in the Romantic Period" in The Cambridge Companion to Women's Writing in the Romantic Period (1780-1830). Ed. Devoney Looser. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (forthcoming).
"Troubadourism." In Critical Terms in Medievalism Studies. Eds. Richard Utz and Elizabeth Emery. Woodbridge, Suffolk: Studies in Medievalism, Boydell & Brewer Pub, UK., 2013.
Second edition of Approaches to Teaching British Women Poets of the Romantic Period, including Elizabeth Fay, “Anna Seward: The Swan of Lichfield: Reading Louisa,” Volume ed. by Stephen C. Behrendt and Harriet K. Linkin. New York: MLA Press, 1997. Pp. 129-134 (2nd ed. 2013).
“Mary Robinson.” In The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Romanticism, vol. 3, Romantic Poetry. Eds. Frederick Burwick and Nancy Moore Goslee. Oxford: Blackwell, 2012. 1133-1141 Hardback, electronic, and website access.
"Author." In The Blackwell Handbook to Romanticism Studies. Eds. Julia Wright and Joel Faflak. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. 107-124 Hardback.
“Sexuality and Gender." In The Romanticism Handbook. Eds. Sue Chaplin and Joel Faflak. London and New York: Continuum Publishers, 2011. 158-170 Hardback.
“Hallucinogesis: De Quincey’s Mind Trips.” Studies in Romanticism, special issue “Nostalgia, Melancholy, Anxiety: Discursive Mobility and the Circulation of Bodies,” ed. by Peter Manning. 49.2 (2010): 293-312.
“Mary Robinson: On Trial in the Public Court.” Studies in Romanticism. 45.3 (2006)397-424.
“Teaching the Ridiculous: Harlequin and Humpo; or, Columbine by Candlelight!” special issue, “Teaching Romantic Drama” ed. by Thomas Crochuis. Romantic Pedagogy Commons. http://www.rc.umd.edu/pedagogies/commons/index.html
“Cultural History, Interdisciplinarity, and Romanticism.” Literature Compass Romanticism. Vol. 3, June 2006.
“Unruly Women: Dress-Code Travesties and Femininity” in special issue, “Romanticism and Historicizing Sexuality,” edited by Richard Sha for Romantic Praxis, January 2006. http://www.rc.umd.edu/praxis/sexuality/fay/fay.html
“Wordsworth, Bostonian Chivalry and the Uses of Art” for Wordsworth in American Literary Culture, 1802-1902, edited by Joel Pace and Matthew Scott, Macmillan/Palgrave Press. Dec 2004. Pp. 256-78.
“Practicing Culture, Revising Romanticism: New Trends in Romantic Studies.” Literature Compass, 1.1 (July 2004).
“Archaic Contamination: Hegel and the History of Dead Matter.” PMLA 118.3 May (2003): 581-90.
“Portrait Galleries, Representative History, and The Spirit of the Age. ” Nineteenth-Century Contexts 24.2 (2002): 151-75.
“Grace Aguilar: Rewriting Scott Rewriting History” in British Romanticism and the Jews: History, Culture, Literature. Ed. Sheila A. Spector. New York: Palgrave, 2002. Pp. 215-34.
“The Duchess of Devonshire: The Passage of the Mountain of Saint Gothard,” for the Scottish Women Romantic Poets (a scholarly electronic textbase). Ed. Stephen C. Behrendt and Nancy J. Kushingian. Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street Press, 2002.
“The Egyptian Court and Victorian Appropriations of Ancient History.” The Wordsworth Circle 32:1 (2001): 24-29.
Encyclopedia entry for “The Bluestockings,” 1000 words, for the Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women: Global Women’s Issues and Knowledge, ed by Dale Spender and Cheris Kramarae. New York: Routledge Press, 2000.
“Mothering, the Academic Maternal, and the Reproduction of Class Anxiety,” Taboo, Journal of Culture and Education, 4 (2000): 85-100.
“Wordsworth’s Balladry: Real Men Wanted,” in "...the Honourable Characteristic of Poetry": Two Hundred Years of Lyrical Ballads," ed. Marcy L. Tanter. Special issue of Romantic Praxis (Nov. 1999): http://www.rc.umd.edu/praxis/lyrical.ns/fay/balladry.html).
“The Bluestocking Archive: Constructivism and Salon Theory Revisited.” Romanticism on the Net 10 (May 1998): (http://users.ox.ac.uk/~scat0385/fay.html).
“Lived History: A Multimedia Approach,” with Wayne Hatmaker. Special Issue of OAH Magazine (Winter 1999): 14-16.
“Romanticism and Feminism,” The Blackwell Companion to Romanticism . Duncan Wu, ed. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1998. Pp. 397-401.
“British Romanticism: Global Crossings,” co-authored with Alan Richardson, Boston College. Introduction to a co-edited special issue of European Romantic Review, (Spring 1997): i-x.
“Anna Seward: The Swan of Lichfield: Reading Louisa,” Approaches to Teaching British Women Poets of the Romantic Period, ed. by Stephen C. Behrendt and Harriet K. Linkin. New York: MLA Press, 1997. Pp. 129-134.
“Wordsworthian Lives: The Commonplace of Extraordinary Emotion.” The Wordsworth Circle (Spring 1997): 87-91.
“Maternalism in the Workplace: Engendering Class.” The Review of Education/Pedagogy/ Cultural Studies 18.2 (1996):197-212.
“Response,” Democratic Culture, Special Issue on Christina Hoff Sommers (Fall 1994): 23-24.
“Romantic Men, Victorian Women: The Nightingale Talks Back.” Studies in Romanticism 32 (Summer 1993): 211-24.
“Dissent in the Field: Or, A New Type of Intellectual?” In Working-Class Women in the Academy. Eds. Michelle Tokarzcyk. Amherst: UMass Press. Pp. 276-91.
“Mapplethorpe's Art: Playing With the Byronic Postmodern.” Postmodern Culture 4 (Fall 1993) (online journal).
“Rhythm, Gender, and Poetic Language,” in Constructing and Reconstructing Gender: The Links Among Communication, Language, and Gender, eds. Linda Perry, Lynn Turner, and Helen Stark. SUNY Press, 1992. Pp. 83-92.
“Wordsworth, Women, and Romantic Love: A Question of Nation.” European Romantic Review 3 (Winter 1992): 133-46.
“Anger in the Classroom: Women, Voice, and Fear.”Radical Teacher 42 (Fall 1992): 13-6.
“Mothers, Fathers, and Dissent: Gender, Class, and Graduate-Student Identity.” NWSA Journal (Winter 1988). Pp. 238-52.