UMass Boston

Ancient Roman script.
Classical Languages Minor

Complement your degree with a Classical Languages Minor.

If you’re majoring in another discipline, you can expand your knowledge by minoring in Classical Languages. After learning the basics of Greek or Latin you’ll read selections from a variety of ancient authors, including poets, dramatists, philosophers, and historians.

Expand Your Studies

How to Apply/Declare

Current Undergraduate Students: Declare or change your minor by completing an Undergraduate Program Add/Change form.

Prospective Undergraduate Students: Apply for admission to UMass Boston by completing an application. Start by reviewing the first-year and transfer application pages for important information about requirements, deadlines, and application status checks. Use the links below to apply: 

Apply as a First-Year Student

Apply as a Transfer Student


Greek & Latin Courses (15 Credits)

Take at least five courses in Greek and/or Latin.

Additional Course (3 Credits)

Take a sixth course, which may be in either classical language or Classical Studies. If taken in the student’s non-primary classical language, this course must be at or above the level of Latin or Greek 102.

For more information on curriculum, including course descriptions and degree requirements, visit the Academic Catalog.

Completion Requirements

Complete 18 credits from six courses, including five in Greek and/or Latin and one elective in Greek, Latin, or classical studies.

Pass/fail: No more than one course taken pass/fail may be applied toward the minor.
Residency: At least four courses for the minor must be completed at UMass Boston.
Course level: At least two courses for the minor must be at the 300-level or higher.



Jason von Ehrenkrook, PhD, Department Chair
McCormack Hall, 4th Floor, Room 605

Greek tempe with close ups of pillars shaped like women.

Classics & Religious Studies

Learn more about UMass Boston's Classics & Religious Studies department, our research, and our faculty.

Explore the Department of Classics & Religious Studies
Students rehearse orchestra playing flutes.

College of Liberal Arts

Learn more about the faculty, research, and programs that make up our College of Liberal Arts.

Explore the College of Liberal Arts