Yong-Chul Shin
Area of Expertise
Insider Trading, Voluntary Disclosure
PhD, Accounting, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MBA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MS, Applied Mathematics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
MS, Finance, Seoul National University
BBA, Seoul National University
Professional Publications & Contributions
- “Managerial Control Divergence and Analysts’ Information Precision,” (co-authored with KoEun Park and Surjit Tinaikar), Corporate Governance: An International Review, 2017, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 294-311.
- “The Disappearing Abnormal Returns to a Fundamental Signal Strategy,” (co-authored with John Dorey and Sangwan Kim), Managerial Finance, 2017, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 406-424 (2018 Highly Commended Award).
- “Do Investors Misprice Components of Net Periodic Pension Cost?” (co-authored with Kun Yu), Accounting & Finance, 2016, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 845-878.
- “Review of Choice-Based, Matched, and Other Stratified Sample Studies in Auditing Research,” (co-authored with Iris Stuart, Donald P. Cram, and Vijay Karan), Journal of Accounting Literature, 2013, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 88-113.
- “Corporate Financial Strategy,” (co-authored with Arindam Bandopadhyaya and Kristen Callahan), Strategic Management in the 21st Century, Volume 2 – Corporate Strategy, Praeger Press, May 2013.
- “Are CFOs' Trades More Informative than CEOs' Trades?” (co-authored with Weimin Wang and Bill Francis), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, August 2012. Vol. 47, No.4, pp. 743-762.
Additional Information
Academic Experience
2004-2008 Assistant Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
2000-2004 Assistant Professor, Tulane University
Betty Diener Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2014
Member of Beta Gamma Sigma