UMass Boston


Timothy Oleksiak

Associate Professor

Area of Expertise

rhetorical theory, queer feminist rhetorics, rhetoric and composition pedagogy


PhD, University of Minnesota

MA, The University of West Florida

BS, Eastern Michigan University

Professional Publications & Contributions

Additional Information


Adequate: Rewriting the Logics of Labor in Writing Studies w/ Joshua Barsczewski (edited collection in progress)

Cruising Texts: A Different Vision for Student-to Student Peer Review (book manuscript in progress)


“Episode 101: Timothy Oleksiak.” Pedagogue, 23 Feb 2022,


University of West Florida’s Composition Symposium. October 27, 2023. Keynote.

RSA Remote: Writing and Reading Conference Proposals: Tales from Longtime Conference Presenters and Reviewers.” May 5, 2023. Invited Speaker.

RSA Remote: Finding and Planning Early-Career Research Leaves. Rhetoric Society of America. Roundtable discussion about early career service. 18 March 2022. Invited Speaker.

Arizona State University’s Writing Programs: Teacher Trainer Video Series. “LGBTQ+ Writing Pedagogies.” Fall 2022. Invited Speaker.


“Kairotic Consent” Rhetoric Society of America 21st Biannual Conference. Denver, CO. May 2024.

“The Trouble with Listening.” Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference. Atlanta, GA. September, 2023.

“Rhetorical Consent and the Foregrounding of Intimacy in Qualitative Research.” Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference. Atlantia, GA. September, 2023.

“Drafting Queer Worlds: A Hope for a Place Otherwise Not Possible.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, IL. February 2023.

“Making RSA a Scholarly Community: Strategies for Belonging.” Rhetoric Society of America 20th Biannual Conference. Baltimore, MD. May 2022. Invited Session/Session Chair and Speaker.

“Modal Qualification as a Textualized Practice of Consent.” Rhetoric Society of America 20th Biannual Conference. Baltimore, MD. May 2022.

“Culturally Relevant Student Response: Theory, Research, and Practice for the 21st Century.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Online. March 2022.


Graduate Teaching (semester taught)

ENGL 668: Perspectives on Composition

Seminar Topic: Queer Rhetorics and Composition

ENGL 670: Philosophies of the Composing Process

Seminar Topic: Theory and Practice of Peer Review

ENGL 673: Digital Writing


Undergraduate Teaching (semester taught)

ENGL 101: Composition I (2 honors sections)

ENGL 203: Writing: Craft/Context/Design

ENGL 204: Professional Writing and Document Design

ENGL 306: Advanced Nonfiction Writing

ENGL 309: Multimedia Authoring

ENGL 312: Digital Culture & Composition

ENGL 457: Colloquium: Careers in English

ENGL 475: Professional and New Media Writing Capstone Internship

ENGL 477: Professional and New Media Writing Capstone Internship II


National Elected Service

Conference on College Composition and Communication Executive Committee, 2021-2024


Editorial/Review Boards

Peitho: Journal of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric & Composition, 2022-2025

QED: A Journal in LGBTQ Worldmaking, 2021-2024

Rhetoric Society Quarterly 2019-2023

Journal of Student Success in Writing, 2015-2019

XChanges, 2014-present


Ad Hoc Manuscript Reviewer

College English

Journal für Schreibwissenschaft

Composition Studies

Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics

WPA: Writing Program Administration

Peitho: Journal of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric & Composition

College Composition and Communication

QED: A Journal in LGBTQ Worldmaking

Computers and Composition


National Conference Planning and Committee Work

Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric & Composition

Taskforce on CFSHRC Share Values, Co-Chair, 2022-2023

Winifred Bryan Horner Outstanding Book Award Committee, 2022

Conference on College Composition and Communication

CCCC Statement on Gun Violence, Committee 2023

Support for Gender Diversity/Trans and Nonbinary Students and Faculty Taskforce, Co-Chair, 2022

CCCC Webinar Committee, member, 2021-present

CCCC Structures and Processes Working Group, member, 2021-2023

CCCC Proposal Coach 2021

Lavender Rhetoric Award Committee, Chair, 2020 & 2023
Queer Caucus Standing Group Panel, Co-Chair, 2018-2020

Stonewall Service Award Committee, 2018

Lavender Rhetoric Award Committee, 2017
Stage II Reviewer 2017; 2022

Newcomers Welcoming Committee, 2016-2019

Stage I Reviewer 2015-present

Rhetoric Society of America

RSA Book Award, Committee, 2023

RSA 21st Biannual Conference, Conference Committee, 2023

RSA Proposal Mentor Program, 2022

Research Network Forum, Faculty Mentor, 2022

Proposal Reviewer 2017, 2021
Hauser Research Award Committee 2017


UMass Boston Faculty Council, member

Professional and New Media Writing Program Director