UMass Boston

Janna Kellinger, Professor, Curriculum & Instruction

Janna Jackson

Curriculum & Instruction
Wheatley Hall Floor 02 14211

Phone: 617.287.5972


Dr. Janna Jackson Kellinger is a Professor in the Curriculum and Instruction department. She began her career in education as a high school English teacher. Her book: Unmasking Identities (2007) describes her research with queer teachers. Her more recent scholarly works explore game-based teaching. Both her most recent book, A Guide to Designing Curricular Games: How to "Game" the System (2017) and her upcoming book, Up Your Teaching Game: Get your Students Addicted to Learning lay out processes for educators to create their own immersive story-based curricular games.

Area of Expertise

Queer Theory in Education

Game-based Teaching


B.A. in English and Psychology from Duke University (1992)

M.A. in Teaching from Duke University (1993)

Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from Boston College (2004)