Edward Miller
Professor Miller’s research focuses on understanding the determinants and effects of federal and state policies affecting vulnerable populations, including older adults in need of long-term services and supports.
Area of Expertise
Aging and Long-term Care, Intergovernmental Relations, Program Implementation and Evaluation, Medicaid, Telemedicine and e-health
PhD, Political Science and Health Service Organization & Policy, University of Michigan
MA, Political Science, University of Michigan
MPA, Public Affairs, Cornell University
BA, Biology, Cornell University
Professional Publications & Contributions
In the News
- GSA honors Miller with prestigious Maxwell A. Pollack Award
- After COVID-19, will states continue to invest in Medicaid home and community-based services?
- 'I cannot bring my wife home': 25 Investigates delves into fight to keep Boston nursing home open
- Meet the Researcher: Edward Alan Miller
- Intergenerational Tutoring
- Journal of Aging & Social Policy Earns High Impact Scores
- McCormack Faculty Names among World's Top-Cited Scholars
- Miller to Run Boston Marathon
Additional Information
Professor Miller has 147 articles published or in press at peer reviewed journals. He organized and edited The COVID-19 Pandemic and Older Adults: Experiences, Impacts, and Innovations (2022) and Older Adults and COVID-19: Implications for Aging Policy and Practice (2021), and organized and co-edited, Aging Policy & Politics in the Trump Era: Implications for Older Americans (2018), books published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis. In 2012, he organized and edited a book, The Affordable Care Act: Advancing Long-Term Care in the United States, also published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis. Another book, Block Granting Medicaid: A Model for 21st Century Health Reform?, was published in 2014, by the same publisher. A co-authored book, Digital Medicine: Health Care in the Internet Era, was published by Brookings Institution Press in 2009.
Peer-reviewed publications have appeared in journals such as Milbank Quarterly, Medical Care, Public Administration Review, The Gerontologist, State Politics & Policy Quarterly, Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Social Science & Medicine, American Journal of Public Health, Medical Care Research & Review, Journal of Health Politics, Policy, & Law, Review of Policy Research, Health Services Research, Research on Aging, and Journal of Aging & Social Policy.
Miller is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Aging & Social Policy (2022 Impact Factor: 5.1, 7th of 37 gerontology journals; 2022 CiteScore: 10.3, 1st of 38 gerontology journals). He is a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law, Research on Aging, World Medical & Health Policy, and Polish Social Gerontology Journal.
In addition to invited talks, Miller routinely presents at the annual meetings of several professional organizations, including the American Political Science Association, Gerontological Society of America, and AcademyHealth. He is a fellow within the Social Research, Policy and Practice Section of the Gerontological Society of America.
After earning his PhD, Miller completed a post-doctoral fellowship in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at Yale University. He also has spent time in New Zealand as a Fulbright scholar and at the Congressional Research Service as a social policy analyst specializing in aging and retirement issues. He was formerly an assistant professor of public policy, political science, and community health at Brown University, now an adjunct professor of health service, policy, and practice there.
Edward Miller Curriculum Vitae
Videos of Professor Miller
- UMass Boston Study Finds Religious Activity Can Curb Depression
- 10 Minutes with International Long-term Care Policy Network (ILPN)