Eben Weitzman
Eben Weitzman is a social and organizational psychologist specializing in the study of conflict. His work focuses on conflict within and between groups, with emphases on organizational conflict, cross-cultural conflict, and intergroup relations.
Area of Expertise
Organizational Conflict, Intra-group Conflict in Mediation, Cultural Differences in Attitudes toward Conflict, Effects of Cooperation and Competition on Small Group Processes, Computer-aided Data Analysis in Qualitative Research
PhD, Columbia University
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Weitzman, E. A. (2009). Software and qualitative analysis. In McKinley, J. B. & Marceau, L. D. (Eds.) e-Source: Behavioral and Social Science Research Interactive Textbook. Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research. http://www.esourceresearch.org
- Consulting with Imam Muhammed Ashafa and Pastor James Wuye of the Interfaith Mediation Center in Kaduna, Nigeria, on the development of their long-term vision, strategic plan, and the organizational capacity to realize their goals
- Assisted an international human rights NGO in reducing internal conflict, and improving collaboration within the organization
- Worked with the leadership of local unions in two states to help forge stronger state-wide, cross-local working relationships
- Weitzman, E. A. (November, 2009). “Conflict Resolution and Community Service Organizations.” Workshop for the Stride Rite Fellowship program of the Philips Brooks House Association. Cambridge, MA.
- Weitzman, E. A. (September, 2009). “Negotiation for Attorneys General.” Workshop conducted for the National Association of Attorneys General, National Attorneys General Training and Research Institute. San Francisco, CA.
- Weitzman, E. A. (April, 2009). "Managing Organizational Conflict During Disasters." Workshop conducted for the 2009 Integrated Medical, Public Health, Preparedness and Response Training Summit. Co-sponsored by the Medical Reserve Corps, the National Disaster Medical System, the Emergency System for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals, and the Office of Force Readiness and Deployment. Dallas, TX.
- Weitzman, E. A. (January, 2009). “Conflict Resolution in Political/Governmental Organizations.” Invited lecture at The Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution (IPCR), Ministry of Co-operation and Integration in Africa, Federal Republic of Nigeria. Abuja, Nigeria.
Additional Information
In addition to his teaching and research, Weitzman does conflict resolution, organizational development work, and dispute resolution systems design with a wide variety of individuals and organizations in both the public and private sectors. These have included organizations in human rights, health care, education, organized labor, government, law enforcement, social services, business, and the courts.
Associate Professor Weitzman also does extensive work on research methodology. He served as reviews editor for the journal, Field Methods from 1999 to 2006. In addition, Weitzman served as grievance officer for the UMass Boston Faculty Staff Union from fall 2004 to spring 2008.