Devin Atallah
Devin G. Atallah, PhD is an Assistant Professor in the Psychology Department at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Dr. Atallah's research team in the Clinical Psychology Program is entitled: the Decolonial Antiracism Research & Action (DARA) Collective for Healing & Liberación. You can visit the DARA Collective website.
Area of Expertise
Decolonial clinical community psychology praxis; Trauma, resilience, and healing justice; Racism and racialization; Resistance to settler colonialism, coloniality, and interlocking systems of oppression; Community-based, participatory, action-oriented approaches to research; Qualitative methods, situational analysis
PhD, University of Massachusetts Boston
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Atallah, D.G. & Masud, H.R. (2021). Transitional or transformative justice? Decolonial enactments of adaptation and resilience within Palestinian communities. In J.N. Clark's & M. Ungar's Resilience, Adaptive Peacebuilding and Transitional Justice: How Societies Recover after Collective Violence (pp 234-256). Cambridge University Press.
- Atallah, D.G. & Dutta, U. (2021). ‘Creatively in Coalition’ from Palestine to India: Weaving stories of refusal and community as decolonial praxis. Journal of Social Issues.
- Atallah, D.G. (2021). Decolonial enactments of human resilience: Stories of Palestinian families from beyond the Wall. In M. Ungar (Ed)'s Multisystemic resilience: Adaptation and transformation in contexts of change (pp.565-583). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Atallah, D.G., & Ungar, M. (2020). Indigenous communities facing environmental racism: Human rights, resilience, and resistance in Palestinian communities of the West Bank and the Mapuche of Chile. In N. Sveaass, P. Hagenaars, & T. Wainwright (Eds.), Human rights and human rights education for psychologists (pp. 193-206). London, UK: Routledge.
- Atallah, D.G., Bacigalupe, G., & Repetto, P. (2019). Centering at the margins: Critical community resilience praxis. Journal of Humanistic Psychology.
- Atallah, D., Kramer, S., Al Bast, L., Stanley, B., Scales, D., Jawabreh, N., Alazzah, S., Abu Srour, M., Abedrabbu, H., Louis, H., Abu Srour, R., Alazzah, S., Al Mashakhah, M., Darwish, M., Ewise, A., Rumi, M., & Wispelwey, B. (2019). Community health work under occupation: Towards the development of a new model to address social and political determinants of health in Palestinian refugee camps. CHW Central.
- Atallah, D.G, Contreras Painemal, C., Albornoz, L., Salgado, F., & Pilquil Lizama, E. (2018). Engaging critical community resilience praxis: A qualitative study with Mapuche communities in Chile facing structural racism and disasters. Journal of Community Psychology, 46 (5), 575-597.
- Atallah, D.G., Shapiro, E.R., Al-Azraq, N., Qaisi, Y., & Suyemoto, K.L. (2018). Decolonizing qualitative research through transformative community engagement: Critical investigation of resilience with Palestinian refugees in the West Bank. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 15 (4), 489-519.
- Atallah, D.G., Djalali, A., Fredricks, K., Arlington, L., Bussio, M., & Nelson, B.D. (2018). Developing equitable primary health care in conflict-affected settings: Expert perspectives from the frontlines. Qualitative Health Research, 28(1), 98-111.
- Atallah, D.G. (2017). A community-based qualitative study of intergenerational resilience with Palestinian refugee families facing structural violence and historical trauma. Transcultural Psychiatry, 54 (3), 357-383.
- Kronmuller, E., Atallah, D.G., Gutiérrez, I., Guerrero, P., & Gedda, M. (2017). Exploring indigenous perspectives of an environmental disaster: Culture and place as interrelated resources for remembrance of the 1960 mega-earthquake in southern Chile. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 23, 238-247.
- Teran, V., Fuentes, M., Atallah, D.G., & Yang, Y. (2017). Risk and protective factors impacting burnout in bilingual Latina/o clinicians. Professional Psychology: Research & Practice, 48(1), 22-29.
- Atallah, D.G. (2016). Toward a decolonial turn in resilience thinking in multifaceted disasters: Example of the Mapuche from southern Chile on the frontlines and faultlines. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 19, 92-100.
Additional Information
Dr. Atallah's work aims to engage decolonizing, narrative, and community-based participatory approaches to critical inquiry. As an activist, scholar, practitioner, and healer, Dr. Atallah focuses on understanding and directly contributing to intergenerational resistance, healing justice and decolonization/decoloniality. Dr. Atallah aims to honor and anchor his work in local and/or Indigenous knowledges of communities in struggle contesting racism and settler colonialism, primarily within his long-term partnerships with communities in Palestine; communities of color in Boston; and with Mapuche communities in Chile.
Psychological Trauma; Community Psychology; Qualitative Methods; Multicultural Counseling