The Betty Taymor Collection
For over half a century, Betty Taymor has been a prominent activist in the Democratic Party and an advocate for the advancement of women in politics, the workforce, and education. In 1968 she founded the Program for Women in Politics & Government (renamed first Politics and Public Policy and then Gender, Leadership, and Public Policy), with the goal of educating women about the political system and encouraging them to run for public office. This collection includes her personal memorabilia.
CWPPP Library Holdings
Browse books, papers, journal articles and much more. The library at the Center includes journal articles, media clippings, and books along with photographs and other media. Many of these will be available for download or lending. If you would like to visit our library please contact the Center with any requests or questions.
Useful Links
Website links to national organizations, Massachusetts organizations, political organizations, and community-based organizations.
- American Association of University Women
- American Council on Education
- Association of American Colleges and Universities
- American University Women and Politics Institute
- Business and Professional Women's Foundation
- Center for American Women in Politics
- Center for Policy Alternatives
- Center for Women Policy Studies
- Institute for Women's Policy Research
- International Center for Research on Women
- National Center for Policy Research for Women and Families
- National Council of Negro Women, Inc.
- National Council for Research on Women
- National Women's Law Center
- Society for Women's Health Research
- The Women's Studies Program
- Women's Institute for a Secure Retirement
- Young Women's Christian Association of the USA
Massachusetts Organizations
- Boston Women's Commission
- Brockton Commission on Women's Issues
- Brookline Commission on the Status of Women
- Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women
- Newton Commission on the Status of Women
- Quincy Mayor's Commission on the Status of Women
- Somerville Women's Commission
- Worcester City Manager's Committee on the Status of Women
Political Organizations
- Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders GLAD
- League of Women Voters of Massachusetts
- Massachusetts Caucus of Women Legislators
- Massachusetts Governor's Advisory Committee on Women's Issues
- Massachusetts Women's Political Caucus
- The Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts
- NOW: Greater Boston
Community-Based Organizations
- AIDS Action Committee
- American Cancer Society of Greater Boston
- Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence
- Association of Haitian Women AFAB
- Boston Black Women's Health Initiative
- Boston Healthy Start Program
- Boston NAACP
- Boston Women's Health Book Collective
- Cambridge Women's Center
- CAPAY: Asian American Studies Program
- Cape and Islands Gay-Straight Youth Alliance
- Cape Cod Center for Women
- Casa Myrna Vasquez
- Centro Presente, Inc.
- Child Care Resource and Referral Network
- Committee for Boston Public Housing
- Crittenton Women's Union
- Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative
- Easter Seals State Headquarters
- Environmental Diversity Forum
- Everywoman's Center
- Girls Inc. of Worcester
- Girls Pipeline to Power
- GLBT Health Access Project
- Greater Boston Interfaith Organization
- Health Care for All
- Jane Doe, Inc.
- JRI Health
- Massachusetts Coalition against Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence
- La Alianza Hispana, Inc.
- Latinas y Latinos por el Cambio Social
- Latin American Health Institute. Instituto de Salud Latinoamericano
- Mashpee Wompanoag Tribal Community
- Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless
- Massachusetts Coalition of Battered Women
- Massachusetts Office of Child Care Services
- Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
- Minority and Women Business Enterprise Office
- Mujeres Unidas en Acción
- Multicultural Aids Coalition
- NAACP Boston Branch
- Greater New Bedford Community Health Center
- North American Indian Center
- Nuestros Cuerpos y Nuestras Vidas
- Our Bodies Ourselves
- Office of New Bostonians
- Patriot's Trail Girl Scouts Council
- Silent Spring Institute
- Silent Spring Institute Cape Cod
- Sister to Sister
- Supplier Diversity Office
- Welfare to Work Program
- Women in the Building Trades
- Women's Bureau
- Women's Educational and Industrial Union
- Women's Educational Equity Act
- Women's Institute for Leadership Development WILD
- YWCA of Greater Boston
- Like the Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy
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- Watch a video about the Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy
Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy
Healey Library, 10th Floor, Room 12
University of Massachusetts Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125 USA
Maps & Directions
See Also
Gender Leadership in Politics and Public Policy
Sign up for news from the Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy
The center is affiliated with the McCormack Graduate School of Policy & Global Studies.