UMass Boston

Transformative Equity Grant (TEG) Call for Proposals

The Restorative Justice Commission (RJC) at UMass Boston invites proposals from campus members committed to addressing past and present harms within the UMass Boston community. This mechanism, now named the Transformative Equity Grant (TEG), supports initiatives that promote healing, accountability, capacity building, and the advancement of restorative justice principles on campus.

In the context of the Restorative Justice Commission (RJC) at UMass Boston, "harm" refers to any action, behavior, or systemic issue that causes physical, emotional, social, or cultural injury to individuals or groups within the university community. Harm can manifest in various ways, including:

  1. Interpersonal Harm: Conflicts, bullying, discrimination, or microaggressions among students, faculty, or staff.
  2. Institutional or Structural Harm: Inequitable policies, practices, or lack of access to resources that disproportionately impact specific groups based on race, gender, socioeconomic status, or identity.
  3. Community Harm is the breakdown of trust or relationships within or between different groups, creating a fragmented or hostile environment.
  4. Historical Harm: Ongoing impact of past injustices, such as exclusionary practices or unresolved grievances affecting community members.

Addressing harm through restorative justice involves acknowledging these injuries, providing opportunities for accountability, and creating pathways for healing, repair, and reconciliation.

Restorative Justice Commission Proposal Form : Due by March 1, 2025 

Applicant Information

Project Overview

Project Title: A concise title that reflects the purpose of the project.

Lead Applicant Information: Name, role (faculty, student, staff), department or student organization, and contact information.

UMB Co-Applicants and UMB Partners (if applicable): List additional collaborators or partners and their roles.

Funding Request Amount: Specify the total amount requested (between $5,000 and $25,000).

Statement of Need (1 page)

Background and Context: Briefly describe the issue, challenge, or harm the project seeks to address.

Alignment with Restorative Justice Principles: Relationship, Respect, Responsibility, Repair, Empowerment and Restoration.

Explain how the project promotes healing, accountability, and community well-being.

Project Description (2-3 pages)

Goals and Objectives: Clearly outline the goals of the project and the specific objectives to be achieved.

Activities and Timeline: Provide a detailed description of the activities to be conducted, with a timeline showing key milestones.

Methodology and Approach: Explain the approach and methods to be used (e.g., restorative practices, training models, healing circles)

Partnerships and Collaboration (1/2-1 page)

Describe any partnerships with campus departments, student organizations, or external stakeholders.

Explain how these collaborations will strengthen the project and contribute to its success.

Evaluation and Assessment Plan (1/2-1 page)

Metrics for Success: Identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to assess the project's outcomes.

Assessment Methods: Describe how the outcomes will be measured (e.g., surveys, feedback forms, focus groups).

Sustainability and Scalability Plan (1/2 page)

Explain how the project’s impact will be sustained beyond the initial funding period.

Identify potential opportunities to expand or replicate the project in the future.

Curriculum vitae or bios of key team members (Required-2 pages)

Additional (optional) materials that support the proposal, such as:
Letters of support from partners or stakeholders.

Sample materials, such as surveys or training modules.